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47th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Biophysical Society_edited.jpg

Oct 21th - Saturday


08h30 - 10h30


Auditorium 3 - Bioinformatics

Chair: Ernesto Caffarena


Outstanding Challenges for Conformational Heterogeneity Analysis in Single-Particle Cryo-EM

Sonya Hanson Flatiron Institute

Unleashing Molecular Insights with Combined Constant pH Molecular Dynamics and Free Energy Calculation

Ernesto Caffarena Instituto Osvaldo Cruz

Systems Biology in the Era of Machine Learning: Opportunities and Challenges

Ney Ribeiro Lemke Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"

NP3: an integrated platform for natural product-based drug discovery

Daniela Trivella CNPEM​


Auditorium 1 - Imaging in Biophysics

Chair: Adriana Fontes


Super Resolution Microscopies Applied to Biological Studies

André A. de Thomaz Unicamp

Profiling a mass murderer. Structural biology of lytic bacteriophages 

Germán Gustavo Sgro FCFRP-USP

High Spatiotemporal Precision in Live Sample Imaging: Advancements with Lattice Light-Sheet Microscopy

Gustavo Scanavacchi Harvard Medical School

Experimental parameters to study cell stiffness and cell adhesion using atomic force microscopy

Cleyton A. Biffe InCor/USP

Nonlinear Imaging to Characterize Mice Tissue from Experimental Schistosomiasis

Gladystone Rocha da Fonseca Department of Physics, Federal University of Minas Gerais


11h - 12h Auditorium 3 - Plenary 3 - Why is modelling in chemistry much more difficult and challenging than in the technical sciences such as aeronautics or civil engineeringWilfred F. van Gunsteren Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich


13h30 - 15h30


Auditorium 3 - New tools at Sirius: When Physics meets Biophysics

Chair: Leandro Barbosa


Infrared radiation looks at biological samples at the imbuia beamline on Sirus

Ohanna da Costa LNLS/CNPEM

Dynamics of soft matter and protein probed by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy

Aline Passos LNLS/CNPEM

SAPUCAIA: The SAXS beamline at Sirius

Leandro Barbosa LNLS/CNPEM

Nano-Bio Interactions: A Synchrotron Approach

Mateus Cardoso LNLS/CNPEM


Auditorium 1 - Computational biophysics in Brazil: from north to south

Chair: Thereza Soares


Allosteric Modulation of Membrane Proteins by Low-Affinity Ligands

Leonardo Cirqueira Universidade de Brasíllia

Protein Adsorption Into Charged Confining Pores

Sidney Jurado de Carvalho UNESP 

Exploring the Mechanical Properties of Soft Materials: Beyond Lipid Membrane Composition

Denis Santos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco 

Macromolecule solvation in complex solutions

Leandro Martinez Unicamp


16h - 18h 


Auditorium 3 - Smart Nanomaterials

Chair: Daniele Araujo


Photopolymerized biocompatible liposomes of binary and ternary mixtures to incorporate liquid metals. Biophysical nanocapsules characterization.

Silvia Alonso Un Quilmes, Argentina

Fighting Vector-borne Diseases with Nanotechnology

Fabio Formiga Fiocruz,PE

Triggered drug delivery of cubosome functionalized with biopolymers

Omar Mertins Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Tailoring the nanostructure of micellar Pluronic hydrogels for nitric oxide delivery

Marcelo Ganzarolli Unicamp



Auditorium 1 - Protein Structure and Dynamics

Chair: Anderson de Sá Pinheiro


On the mechanism of (un)saturated fatty acid decarboxylation for alkene production

Leticia Maria Zanphorlin LNLS/CNPEM

Kinetic and Molecular properties of the copper-containing nitrite reductase from sinorhizobium meliloti 2011

Maria Gabriela Rivas Departamento de Fisica FBCB-UNL

Conformational Dynamics of Proteins from Microseconds to Milliseconds by NMR: Implications for Molecular Recognition

Adolfo Henrique de Moraes Silva UFMG

The influence of pH on the structure and stability of the GRB2 dimer reveals changes in the inter-domain and molecular interaction: Could it be a modulation mechanism?

Fernando Alves Melo IBILCE/UNESP



18h - 20h Poster Area - Poster Session



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